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Configure the Conversational Experience

Once you enter the conversational sandbox you will be redirected to the sandbox ‘homepage’ on further logins.


The following sections are available in this area



3.Functionality (Use Case Management)

4.AI Data





The home page will show some of the key things to be done to set the ball rolling like adding FAQs, configuring the core system, add team members who will co-manage this conversational workspace with you. These are also accessible from corresponding menus on the left side pane.


We have provided easy to use interfaces to configure the channel and core system endpoints for the selected channels. This can be done by the IT user as per business requirements.


You can enable conversations on the following channels

On selecting a particular channel, you will be shown a pop-up to enter the corresponding endpoints. Depending on the channel the number of parameters would vary.


~Coming Soon~


Create App

Add Products

Token Generation

App Secret Key



Configuring facebook in sandbox

Selected Channel

Details of the fields to be configured in sandbox to enable facebook

SNo Fields Description
1 Callback URL To be configured from portal to your facebook app.
2 Verify Token To be configured from portal to your facebook app.
3 Page Access Token To be configured from facebook to portal.
4 Secret Key To be configured from facebook to portal.


Overview Android SDK provides a lightweight conversational/messaging UX interface for users to interact with the One Active Platform. The SDK enables rich conversation components to be embedded in existing Android Mobile Apps.

Pre Requisites Android Studio 2.3+ Android 4.4.0+

Install SDK

To install SDK add the following configuration to your project level build.gradle file.

Install Sdk And add below configuration to your module level build.gradle file.

Install Sdk Note:If you get 64k method limit exception during compile time then add following code into your app-level build.gradle file.

Install Sdk

Initialize the SDK

To initialize Morfeus SDK you need workspace Id. Workspace Id you can get through nevigating to Channels > Android click on settings icon.

Android Channel

Add following lines to your Activity/Application where you want to initialize the Morfeus SDK.onCreate()of Application class is best place to initialize. If you have already initialized MFSDK, reinitializing MFSDK will throw MFSDKInitializationException.

Initialize the SDK

Invoke Chat Screen

To invoke chat screen call showScreen() method of MFSDKMessagingManager. Here, sMSDK is an instance variable of MFSDKMessagingManagerKit.

Invoke Chat Screen

You can get instance of MFSDKMessagingManagerKit by calling getInstance()of MFSDKMessagingManagerKit. Please make sure before calling getInstance() you have initialized the MFSDK. Please check following code snippet.

Invoke Chat Screen

Compile and Run

Once above code is added you can build and run your application. On launch of chat screen, welcome messages will be displayed.

Android Phone

Enable voice chat

If you haven't added required dependencies for voice than please add following dependencies in your app/build.gradle

Enable voice chat

Call setSpeechAPIKey(String apiKey) method ofMFSDKProperties builder to pass speech API key.

Speech API Key

Set Speech-To-Text language

In MFSDKHybridKit, English(India) is the default language set for Speech-To-Text. You can change STT language bypassing valid language code using setSpeechToTextLanguage(Language.STT.LANG_CODE)method ofMFSDKSessoionProperties.Builder.
Speech-To-Text language

Set Text-To-Speech language

English(India) is the default language set for Text-To-Speech. You can change TTS language by passing valid language code using setTextToSpeechLanguage(Language.STT.LANG_CODE) method of MFSDKSessoionProperties.Builder.
Text-To-Speech language

Provide Speech Suggestions

You can provide additional contextual information for processing user speech. To provide speech suggestions add a list of words and phrases into the MFSpeechSuggestion.json file and place it under the assets folder of your project. You can add a maximum of 150 phrases intoMFSpeechSuggestion.json. To see sample MFSpeechSuggestion.json, please download it from here


Enable SSL Pinning

To enable ssl pinning set enableSSL(boolean enable, String[] pins) to true and pass set of set of certificate public key hash(SubjectPublicKeyInfo of the X.509 certificate). Enable SSL Pinning

Enable Root Detection

To prevent chat usage on rooted device set enableRootedDeviceCheck() to true. Enable Root Detection

Prevent user from taking screenshot

To prevent user or other third application from taking chat screen screenshot set .disableScreenShot(true). Prevent user from taking screenshot

Enable APK Tampering Detection

Enable tamper-detection to prevent illegitimate apk from executing. Set checkAPKTampering(true, certificate digest) to true and pass your sha256 digest of apk signing certificate. Enable APK Tampering Detection



iOS SDK provides a lightweight conversational / messaging UX interface for users to interact to the One Active Platform. The SDK enables rich conversation components to be embedded in existing iOS Mobile Apps.


Install and configure dependencies

1. Install Cocoapods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. CocoaPods is distributed as a ruby gem, and is installed by running the following commands in Terminal App: Install Cocoapods

2. Update .netrc file

The Morfeus iOS SDK are stored in a secured artifactory. Cocoapods handles the process of linking these frameworks with the target application. When artifactory requests for authentication information when installing MFSDKWebKit, cocoapods reads credential information from the file.netrc, located in ~/ directory.

The .netrc file format is as explained: we specify machine(artifactory) name, followed by login, followed by password, each in separate lines. There is exactly one space after the keywords machine, login, password. Update netrc

One example of .netrc file structure with sample credentials is as below. Please check with the development team for the actual credentials to use. Netrc Example

Steps to create or update .netrc file

Start up Terminal in mac Type "cd ~/" to go to your home folder Type "touch .netrc", this creates a new file, If a file with name .netrc not found. Type "open -a TextEdit .netrc", this opens .netrc file in TextEdit Append the machine name and credentials shared by development team in above format, if it does not exist already. Save and exit TextEdit

3. Install the pod

To integrate 'MFSDKHybridKit' into your Xcode project, specify the below code in your Podfile Install Pod

Once added above code, run install command in your project directory, where your "podfile" is located. Install Pod

If you get an error like "Unable to find a specification for ", then run below command to update your specs to latest version. Install Pod

When you want to update your pods to latest version then run below command. Install Pod

Note: If we get "401 Unauthorized" error, then please verify your .netrc file and the associated credentials.

4. Disable bitcode

Select target open "Build Settings" tab and set "Enable Bitcode" to "No". Disable bitcode

5. Give permission

Search for ".plist" file in the supporting files folder in your Xcode project. Update NSAppTransportSecurity to describe your app's intended HTTP connection behavior. Please refer apple documentation and choose the best configuration for your app. Below is one sample configuration. Security

6. Invoke the SDK

To invoke chat screen, create MFSDKProperties, MFSDKSessionProperties and then call the method showScreenWithBotID:fromViewController:withSessionProperties to present the chat screen. Please find below code sample. SDK


Property Description
Workspace_Id The unique ID for the bot

Above properties you can get through nevigating to Channels > iOS click on settings icon. IOS Channel

Compile and Run

Once above code is added we can build and run. On launch of chat screen, welcome message will be displayed.


Providing User/Session Information

You can pass Speech API key if the SDK uses voice recognition feature. User/Session Information

For SSL Secure

You can pass Hash keys of SSL certificates SSL Secure

For Security from Jailbrroken iPhones

You can set YES bool value for following method iPhones Security

Enable voice chat

Provide Speech API Key

MFSDKWebKit supports text to speech and speech to text features. The minimum iOS deployment target for voice feature is iOS 8.0. The pod file also needs to be updated with the minimum deployment target for voice features. A speech API key can be passed using speechAPIKey in MFSDKSessionProperties as below. Speech API Key

Search for ".plist" file in the supporting files folder in your Xcode project. Add needed capabilities like below and appropriate description. plist file

Set Speech-To-Text language

English(India) is the default language set for Speech-To-Text. You can change STT language by passing valid language code using speechToTextLanguage property of MFSDKSessionProperties. You can find list of supported language code here

Speech-To-Text language

Set Text-To-Speech language

English(India) is the default language set for Text-To-Speech. You can change STT language by passing valid language code using textToSpeechLanguage property of MFSDKSessionProperties.Please set language code as per apple guidelines. Text-To-Speech language

Provide Speech Suggestions

You can provide additional contextual information for processing user speech. To provide speech suggestions add list of words and phrases into MFSpeechSuggestion.json file and add it to main bundle of your target. You can add maximum 150 phrases intoMFSpeechSuggestion.json. To see sample MFSpeechSuggestion.json, please download it from here

Google Assistant


Google Assistant provides a lightweight conversational/messaging UX interface for users to interact with the One Active Platform. It enables rich conversation components to be embedded.

One Active Configurations

Google Assistant Channel

Steps to setup the Google Assistant :-

The Actions on Google integration in Dialogflow allows interoperability between the Google Assistant and Dialogflow, letting you use Dialogflow agents as conversational fulfillment for your Actions.

Before developing, you should design your conversation or the user interface for your Actions. The conversation describes how users invoke your Action, the valid things that they can say to your Action, and how your Action responds to them. See our comprehensive design site with guidelines and best practices to help you build the best conversation possible.

manage app

Customizing Account Linking for Google Assistant


One Active Configurations

Alexa Channel

Amazon Developers Configurations

Enabling Alexa Skill

Customizing Account Linking for Alexa

Once you click ‘Functionality’ various services selected across products, will be displayed.


For each use case, a business user-friendly editor is available to manage various aspects of the use case. They are listed below









Note: This can be performed for all applicable use cases one after another, and the user can test it out in real-time using the test AI agent feature.



Please follow this tutorial in order to configure OAuth2 properties in One Active. OAUTH config is specific to channel, if multiple channels are enabled then need to replicate the same configuration for each channel as detailed below.

Enable OAUTH

Go to Functionality → Login → Rules . Select the value for Login Policy to OAuth from the dropdown list.

Enable OAUTH

OAUTH config

OAUTH config

OAUTH config

NOTE that these values should exactly match those set in the 3rd party auth server's table - OAUTH_CLIENT_DETAILS in its database against the said client id, otherwise the handshake will fail.


This is where the intent for the use case, channels applicable and type of fulfillment are defined. The intent is not editable for out of the box use cases. Fulfillment type can be the default, workflow or template-based which is discussed in subsequent sections.

Functionality Definition

Under definition, the basic details of the use case will be maintained such as

Field Description
Intent Intent name, this is how system would understand this use case and trigger appropriate flow
Channels Choose applicable channels for this use case
Fulfilment Type User can choose from among Camel route, Workflow, Template or Java bean, depending on how they intend to fulfil this flow. Camel route is best suited for STP processes


Various business configurations which are typically available in a backend property file have been exposed in this section, to provide better control to the business user in designing the use case.

Functionality Configurations


Business rules such as ‘daily transaction count, ‘transaction limit’ are available under rules. Once set, these rules will be validated when the end-user is performing transactions and an appropriate message will be shown.

Functionality Rules


The data for the use case is pre-loaded from Active ONE ‘s extensive data repository. The system is pre-trained for all these data utterances i.e. this use case will be recognized by the system if any of these utterances shown are input by the end-user.

Note; It is also possible to add your own custom data to this repository and train the system, if any such requirements exists

Functionality Data


The editor below can be used to define the fulfillment for this use case. Based on defined conditions, a workflow or camel route can be integrated.

Functionality Fullfilment

Note: The fulfilment code is shown in this section, which can be suitably modified to your requirement in case you have trained users, rather than depending on professional services.

 Fullfilment Query Functionality Fullfillment Workflow


For any use case, as part of the conversational experience, the system will use certain templates. Ex: Account list can be shown as a table or carousel. In this section, the business user can select the appropriate templates to get the desired experience in the conversations. Users can try various combinations and test them out by launching the AI agent in the sandbox.

This can be done for all use cases.



The various responses given by the agent are referred to as messages. You can tweak these messages to give your agent a unique personality by updating the responses here in this section. for the use case is pre-loaded from Active ONE ‘s extensive data repository. The system is pre-trained.


AI Data

The AI data section is where you manage most of the data requirements for the virtual assistant. In addition to maintaining data for Small talk & FAQ modules, you can also update bank-specific product data and train and monitor the system using various options.

 AI Data

Activity Purpose
Manage FAQ
Manage Small talk
Manage product dictionary
Manage self learning
Train your virtual assistant
Test your virtual assistant
Analyse AI performance

Manage FAQ

The FAQ section is very important and probably the most extensively used as it needs to be constantly updated for the latest business process changes. Here too, we have enabled a pre-trained set of about 500+ FAQs. - The business user can update the response to these suitably using the export/import feature. - New FAQ can also be added by providing the details like FAQ ID (unique reference), Name, Category and then going on to add the questions and appropriate response - The variants to the question can also be maintained here.

 Manage FAQs

Manage Small talk

Small talk refers to the greetings as part of Opening / Closing of the conversation, which in itself serves no other purpose but to keep the conversation going :). This section shows the out of the box small talk data in ‘Base’ section. Additional small talk can be maintained in ‘Custom’ tab, using Add small talk button.

 Manage Small Talk

AI Agent Design

 AI Agent Design


At the dashboard, user will be shown a summary of all the metrics with respect to the conversations handled in the system. This will be very useful once the system moves to production to monitor conversations in real time.

Conversation details can be viewed for various time periods in the 4 tabs - Today - current day’s conversational data - This Week - week till date conversational data - This Month - month till date conversational data - Custom - conversational data for an input date range

Various data points available are a number of logins, number of FAQs, Total transactions, Number of Messages, AI Accuracy, Average session time to name a few. These data are presented in a graphical way for easy interpretation.





In this section, you will find links for most of the one-time configurations and also few options like audit trails and other admin activities. Following list summarizes the same

Activity Purpose
Business profile
Manage functionality
Manage core system connectivity
Setup wizard
Manage agent feedback
Manage campaigns
Manage plans
Virtual agent design
Manage updates*
Manage go live*
Team members
Security history


Business Profile

The institution’s profile can be maintained here for our customer success teams to reach appropriate individuals.

 Business Profile

Manage functionality

Manage core system connectivity

You can configure your core bank properties in this section

 Manage core connectivity  Configure Core Bank Properties

Setup wizard

This will take you back to the onboarding stage, in case you want to modify any of the information provided earlier

Setup Wizard

Manage agent fallback

You can integrate the Live agent system of your choice in this section

 Agent FallBack

Manage campaigns

A campaign is a process to push any executable information from the server to the client through batch or in the transaction

 Manage Campaigns

Manage plans

You can update the selected plan in this section

 Manage Plans

Virtual agent design

As mentioned earlier during onboarding, the agent design can be handled in sandbox and business user can try various features such as bot bubble change, logo upload, colour scheme change (pick or input HEX/RGB code). This can be immediately previewed on the right side. Any saved changes will automatically reflect the next time user launches the agent using ‘Test AI agent’ feature.

 Agent Design

Team members

You can invite new team members in this section

 Add New User

 Invite Team Members

Security history

This feature is to audit the violation/access issue that happened on the APIs. You can even check the APIs(which are violated) with the user's name, IP Address, date & time. Also, you can export those Audit Trail by clicking on the 'Export' button.

Eg; If the user has tried to hit some API & API has refused the connection or sent unauthorized error etc.

Security History

Manage updates (coming soon)

Manage go live (coming soon)



Profile Options

Documentation & Support

Documentation & Support